/ TH

Governance and Economic Dimension

Corporate strategies to drive business plans towards sustainability 2023-2027 The Company has set goals in a clear time frame in order to achieve strategies or business plans in developing products or services

to ensure that the Company is able to appropriately handle issues that are material to the business. the Company has operated with the participation of all groups of stakeholders through surveys of satisfaction, concerns and expectations. In addition, the survey results were analyzed by the management and employees in each department through every sub-committee in order to be approved by the Board of Directors

Net Profit
Million THB
as of 2022
Million THB
as of 2022
Dividend Payment
Not less than
of Net Profit
Traffic Volume

Average Original Section


Average Extension Section


Average Total


as of 2022

Assessment results according to the Annual General Meeting-AGM Quality Assessment Project for the year 2023

At the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission in conjunction with the Thai Investors Association and the Thai Listed Companies Association was the organizer.

100 points
5 stars (Excellent)


Certified Member of Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC)

Sustainable Business Development Guidelines

with a commitment to create sustainability and deliver values in all 3 dimensions: the environment dimension (Environment), social dimensions (Social) and corporate governance (Governance) or the economy (Economic) to stakeholders. The business plan for the year 2023 is divided into 7 strategies as follows:

Safer Road Traffic Management / Maintenance Strategy
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Inclusive Growth Strategy
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Other Non-Toll Strategy
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ESG Sustainability Strategy
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HPO Resilience Management Strategy
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Efficient Cash and Cost Management Strategy
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DMT Excellence Recognition Strategy
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Corporate Governance

The Company is aware of the importance of compliance with the principles of good corporate governance and is confident that the process of good corporate governance is a key factor to help increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the Company’s operations to achieve objectives and missions, in addition to serving as the basis of sustainable growth under ethical operations, environmental protection and social responsibility, in compliance with related laws, building confidence and trust among the various groups of stakeholders. The Company has established a good corporate governance policy that is in line with the Company's vision and mission.

Corporate Governance Policies

Enterprise Risk Management

The company has implemented a comprehensive risk management system that covers all relevant aspects. It considers the risk factors that may prevent the organization from achieving its set objectives, including assessing the likelihood and severity of potential impacts.

Clear measures are established for prevention, mitigation, and assigning clear responsibilities. Reporting, monitoring, and evaluation mechanisms are also put in place to build confidence among stakeholders that the company can operate amidst the rapidly changing environmental conditions.

This involves the active involvement of management and employees at all levels within the organization, adhering to standardized risk management systems and fostering a risk management culture.

A continuous oversight committee and relevant working groups are responsible for presenting and reporting plans and performance results to the company's board of directors consistently.

Regular reviews or evaluations of risk management systems are conducted at least once a year, and whenever there are changes in risk levels, aiming to collectively achieve business objectives.

Business Ethics

The company values honesty, dedication to service, and social and environmental responsibility. It is committed to managing operations in accordance with good corporate governance principles and carries out its work with transparency, integrity, and accountability to shareholders and various stakeholders.

Business Ethics

Anti-Corruption Policy

The company adheres to conducting its business with utmost honesty, integrity, transparency, fairness, and in accordance with good corporate governance principles. It does not tolerate any form of misconduct or corruption, whether direct or indirect.

Supplier Code of Conduct

The company is committed to driving sustainable business growth by adhering to principles of integrity, transparency, honesty, and compliance with the law, under the framework of corporate governance that emphasizes responsible management of business partners throughout the supply chain. This commitment extends to social responsibility, community, and environmental concerns, in line with sustainable development practices. The company aims to develop the capabilities of its business partners, who play a significant role in conducting business and are part of the supply chain, to foster broad societal growth. The company has developed and disseminated a code of conduct for business partners, outlining the expected ethical practices and legal compliance that should be followed, with a focus on respecting human rights, labor standards, occupational health and safety, and environmental preservation, all aimed at achieving sustainability.

Supplier Code of Conduct
Credit Term (Available in Thai only)

No Gift Policy

The company has announced no acceptance. or give a gift or other assets or benefits (No Gift Policy) during the New Year festival and on any other occasion via the website www.tollway.co.th annually

Tax Policy

The company is committed to conducting business with transparency, following the principles of good corporate governance, and being aware of its duties and responsibilities regarding tax operations. Therefore, the company has established a tax policy as a framework for its operations, aiming to preserve the benefits of all stakeholders while creating maximum value in accordance with efficient, transparent, and ethical corporate governance practices.

Tax Policy

Cyber Security and Information Management Systems

Currently, information technology systems have been rapidly developing and playing a crucial role in the operations of organizations. With the advancements in information technology, which are utilized for transactions and communication, there has been an environment conducive to cyber threats and cybercrimes that can have widespread and immediate impacts. These risks and threats can cause significant damage at the individual, organizational, and national levels.

Therefore, it is of utmost importance to prevent and mitigate these risks and ensure the security of information and cyber systems. This is necessary to establish a secure and efficient information technology and communication system within the organization, which will enable any electronic transactions to be conducted securely and reliably.

It is essential to establish guidelines and practices for employees to be aware of the importance of maintaining information security and to adhere strictly to the policies. This should include comprehensive guidelines and key definitions to govern the organization's operations.

Cyber and Information Security Policy, Revision No. 1/2022 (Available in Thai only)
Cyber Security Policy Compliance Procedures