/ TH

Business Value Chain

The company defines business value chains, and a value chain analysis is required in order to analyze the organization’s activities from start to finish. The information is used to assess stakeholders and risks in each activity or deliver value to that activity to achieve sustainability. The Company’s activities, which are the concessionaire for the concession tollway service, have a value chain from starting to finishing activities.

Stakeholder Analysis from the Business Value Chain

The Company has organized groups of stakeholders to consider and organize activities or projects that are appropriate and in line with needs and expectations to deliver confidence and sustainability to all groups of stakeholders. The Company analyzed and divided stakeholders into 8 groups/4 levels of importance

Stakeholder Engagement

The company has established guidelines to meet expectations and participation of stakeholders as follows.

Materiality Topics

Sustainability Dimension Materiality Topics Risks and Impacts Opportunities and Positive Factors
  1. Innovation
  2. Sustainability strategy policy
  3. Risk management and BCP
  4. Value chain management
The risk of business discontinuity and unsustainability and lack of business partners. Build business growth and sustainability responsive to changes and create opportunities for business expansion.
  1. Fair labor practices
  2. Human rights
  3. Customer responsibility
  4. Responsibility to surrounding communities and society
Possibility of complaints and lack of acceptance from the community. Build relationships with employees and communities to strengthen the business and to create a good image for organizational development.
  1. ISO14001 Environment Management Standards
  2. Greenhouse gas management
  3. Management of effluents and waste
  4. Energy management
Impacts from changes in the environment and laws that may affect operations. Reduce the cost of using resources and meet energy and environmental management standards.

Materiality Topics


  1. 1Innovation
  2. 2Sustainability strategy policy
  3. 3Risk management and BCP
  4. 4Value chain management


  1. 5Fair labor practices
  2. 6Human rights
  3. 7Customer responsibility
  4. 8Responsibility to surrounding communities and society


  1. 9ISO14001 Environment Management Standards
  2. 10Greenhouse gas management
  3. 11Management of effluents and waste
  4. 12Energy management

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