Rights of Shareholders

The Company's with awareness of the ownership of the shareholders who have the right to make any decision on the Company's significant modifications and awareness of the responsibility and respect for the shareholder's rights by not conducting any act that violates or derogates the rights of shareholders, with operations as follows:
Shareholders' Meeting
The Company's Board of Directors determines the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders according to the law. The venue of the meeting is to be in the vicinity of the Company's head office, or nearby provinces, or at any place of convenience as determined by the directors.
Before the meeting, the Company will send a meeting notice, agenda items, opinions of the Board of Directors with supporting documents, which were complete and adequate for decision making in each agenda item, to the shareholders in advance of the date of the meeting, in compliance with the criteria required by law and related agencies for the shareholders to acknowledge at least 7 days prior to the shareholders'meeting date specified in the Company's website (www.tollway.co.th). Besides, the Company explained the rights of shareholders to attend and vote in the meeting as well.
Every shareholder has the right to attend the meeting and exercise the voting right. In case the shareholders are not able to attend a meeting in person, the Company allows the shareholders to appoint other persons, a director or an independent director nominated by the Company as their proxies to attend the meeting on their behalf. For the shareholders to retain their rights, fill out one of the proxy forms delivered along with the meeting notification letter, or they may download the proxy documents from the Company's website. For shareholders who are institutional investors or foreign investors and appointed a custodian in Thailand to be a stock depository and keeper, the Company has coordinated in terms of required documents and evidence that must be presented prior to attending the meeting to facilitate and speed up registration process on the day of the meeting. Also, shareholders or proxies can register to attend the meeting in advance of the meeting time, including providing a convenient system for every shareholder to register with ease.
In every shareholders' meeting, the Company provides company staff to accompany and assist the shareholders in the registration process for the shareholders' convenience in attending the meeting. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Audit Committee, Chairmen of Subcommittees, Directors, Managing Director, and executives of the Company are invited to attend the shareholders' meeting to answer questions on issues raised by the shareholders. In addition, at every annual general meeting of the shareholders, representatives of the Company's external auditors and legal advisors also attend the meeting.
Before the meeting starts, the Chairman of the meeting or the person delegated by the Chairman will explain the rules and methods of vote counting in passing the resolution of each agenda item in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association. During the meeting, the shareholders will be allowed to equally exercise their rights to ask questions and offer opinions in accordance with the agenda items and the matters proposed, as well as offering recommendations. The minutes of the meeting are accurately and completely taken, with the voting results, approvals, non-approvals, and abstention, being summarized for each agenda item.
For every shareholders' meeting, the Company prepares the minutes of the shareholders' meeting and will announce on the Company's website for the shareholder's acknowledgement and review the meeting resolutions in timely manner.
The Equitable Treatment of Shareholders
The Company values and respects the right of every shareholder equally, not favoring any specific group of shareholders, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Company as follows: